What does it mean to write a book at a time when Artificial intellIgence is emerging as a skilled articulator of written ideas?
We have crossed a threshold. Writing will never be the same, and I feel a need to claim a messy, untidy humanity in the body of the text of the book. Subjectivity: what does this mean when an object can write about subjects?
I have a few ideas, but make no mistake, the presence of AI in the room is changing the dynamic. Of course, there is a lot of hype and blather - but something genuinely unique is emerging. I feel bound to a method of textual production (writing) that is deeply personal, deeply subjective, and - if possible - not possible to replicate via AI. We shall see.
And yes, that image was created using AI -, with the textual prompt ‘death to the writing robot’.
DISAMBIGUATION: We are not affiliated with, which is doing fabulous architecture and interiors work out of Queensland. Nor do we want to step on their clever toes, admiring as we are of their fantastic work. Instead, is just a tilt at artificial intelligence in design writing.