One Step at a Time

Writing here in the third person: in this reflective piece, I emphasize the importance of pausing to consider the motivations and beneficiaries of my efforts. By taking a moment to intentionally reflect, I aim to ensure my actions are aligned with my goals and values. This underscores a commitment to thoughtful, step-by-step progress rather than rushing forward without purpose. Or something like that.

Pivot One Redux: Moving into the world of architecture even more - Who are my people?

Pivot One Redux: Moving into the world of architecture even more - Who are my people?
In this post, the writer emphasizes the importance of continual adaptation and re-evaluation in both personal and professional spheres. Drawing inspiration from Seth Godin's "The Practice," the focus is on serving and improving the lives of a specific group rather than attempting to appeal to everyone. The writer proposes to narrow their scope and better define their audience even further, potentially honing in on architects and interior designers to make the greatest impact with their work.