Motivation: Making Something

Motivation: Making Something
I have been thinking about what motivates me, and specifically what is motivating this project. I find myself at the relatively advanced part of the middle of my career (although I am only 53) and there are a number of loosely related moving parts. There is the design, the broad and wide reading, the journalism, the occasional burst of photography (strictly amateur), buildings designed by my team, an excess of books, good coffee and good food. Friends who are clever, doing clever things. I have friends heading towards retirement (already), a couple already there - but that is something I don’t want to do yet, or any time soon particularly.  
Then there are the categories of ‘thing’ that interest me. Forests, clouds, rain, haunted houses, people getting lost in the wilderness, abandoned places, old documents, things found after being lost…a loose collection of potential ‘topics’ for the written word. Perhaps.
Out of all these things, I have a desire to make something. Or some things. So that is my motivation, at the heart of it all: out of these loosely connected and disconnected pieces, I wish to make something. 
That’s about all I want to say about it right now. To say more would be to force a relationship between the parts before it is ready to mature. So I will leave it at that.