Pivot One Redux: Moving into the world of architecture even more - Who are my people?

Pivot One Redux: Moving into the world of architecture even more - Who are my people?
Pivot, pivot, pivot some more. I am spiralling inwards, mostly in a good way.  

The people of the book are crystallising as a group, slowly, and I am encouraged to move more into the world of architecture. I am trained as one, I own and operate an architecture practice, and I have spent my career since 1991 mixing with, working with, interviewing and working for such individuals. I have just read The Practice by Seth Godin, which I really enjoyed. He talks about helping people, making things better for people - not all people, or even many people, but your own people. The people who will be receptive to your art, whatever it may be.  The key word is 'help': to serve, to assist, to make better. Practice your art to make something better for some people. I will try to do this, starting with a narrower definition of who my people are. I suspect they may be architects and interior designers. More to follow.